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Rosie the Robot! 
Rosie Robot Rig + rig design + animations

Rosie the Robot!
Rosie Robot Rig + rig design + animations

AR mock ups (all in Blender)

Concept Level complete scene varient. Moch AR rendered in Blender.

Basher rigged in Maya with Rocker controllers and limb control

Prize chest - Rigged and animated

Custom options include parts and paint changes. Rigging + animation

Pump it up anim

Pump it up anim

Rosie Celebration anim

Concept Level complete scene. Mock AR rendered in Blender.

Concept Level complete scene varient. Moch AR rendered in Blender.

Mock AR Animation

Not a friendly

Rosie rig demonstration


Rosie is an educational app for iPhone and iPad. The app is perfect for curious kids of ages 9 and up. Kids program Rosie the Robot using magical 3D shapes.
Provided all rigging solutions, animation, mochups and prototypes.

More artwork